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Ageless U Med Spa

The Secret to Finding the Best Testosterone Doctor in Orlando

The Secret to Finding the Best Testosterone Doctor in Orlando

Many people do not realize that a testosterone imbalance can affect anyone of any gender.

Without testosterone therapy, the symptoms can negatively impact your overall quality of life.

You can get your life back on track with the best testosterone doctor in Orlando, and this is how you find them!

The Signs Your Testosterone Levels are Not Balanced

An imbalance manifests differently in individuals, so consider this as a general guideline. 

  • Low testosterone: Men can experience reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, and mood changes. Women may notice fatigue, decreased libido, menstrual irregularities, loss of bone density, and mood shifts.
  • High testosterone: Men can see increased acne, aggressiveness, enlarged prostate, hair loss, and decreased testicle size. Women experience irregular periods, acne/oily skin, increased body hair, deepening voice, and clitoral enlargement.

How Is a Hormonal Imbalance Diagnosed and Treated?

The best testosterone doctor in Orlando needs to ask questions to get a clear picture of your medical history, the duration of your symptoms, and your overall health. 

A physical examination and a blood test to measure testosterone levels are necessary. If any underlying medical condition contributing to low or high testosterone levels is detected, it will need to be addressed.

Treatment for a testosterone imbalance may involve hormone therapy, lifestyle modifications, or certain medications. Your provider will recommend the most suitable treatment based on your individual needs.

How Long Does It Take to Notice Results After Starting Treatment?

Individual outcomes vary, and factors such as the severity of symptoms, your overall health, and the dosage and delivery method of replacement hormones can influence the timing of your results. It may take weeks or months for you to notice a significant improvement.

Do I Need Testosterone Therapy Forever?

Patients experiencing an imbalance due to an underlying health condition might require ongoing treatment over a long term.

But, if your imbalance is transitional, you may only need therapy for a short time. Regardless, no, it won’t last forever.

How Can I Find the Best Testosterone Doctor in Orlando?

Initially, you may be faced with many choices, but don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed. Focus your search on licensed healthcare professionals who have extensive knowledge and experience treating testosterone imbalances.

Any provider you choose should have a high success rate and be well-versed in a variety of treatment options. 

A good place to start is with your primary care provider. They should be able to give you a referral. Additional valuable sources of information included family, friends, testimonials, group forums, and social media. This step affords you the opportunity to get a sense of the level of care provided by a hormone specialist and to gauge patient satisfaction.

Pick two or three top choices, and then schedule consultations with each one. This is a crucial step to ensure your safety if you’re a good candidate for hormone therapy. It also allows you the chance to assess the compatibility of communication, as well as their attentiveness and willingness to listen and address your individual needs.

Listen to your instincts. The goal is to find a provider who not only meets the necessary criteria but one with whom you feel confident and supported.

The Team at Ageless U Med Spa Can Help You Find a Happy Balance!

A hormone imbalance requires expertise, which you’ll find here at Ageless U Med Spa. We truly believe you deserve to feel your best. With us, you have a trustworthy partner so you no longer have to struggle alone. 

Take the first step now by calling us at 386-951-4161 for a free consultation. Our financing options make treatment affordable for everyone. Make the call today!

Relax ~ Rejuvenate ~ Renew

2985 Enterprise Rd Suite C DeBary, FL 32713